Early Review - Dead in Tombstone
The Action Elite . Com - Dead in Tombstone Review
Positives: Great acting from the entire cast. Some very awesome and inventive action scenes. Anthony Michael Hall and Mickey Rourke have scene stealing performances. Awesome story for a direct to DVD film. Roel Reine's best film to date! Will definitely be in my top 5 of the best films of 2013
Negatives: This DESERVES to be seen in the theater. It is an absolute sin that majority of people will pass this movie by as being a typical low budget DVD action film.
Bottom Line: 4 / 5 - Explosive!
Reviewed by: Alex
PLOT: A gang overruns a small mining town murdering their own leader Guerrero (Trejo) in a cold-blooded power grab. Sentenced to eternity in hell he finds himself confronted by Satan himself (Rourke), offering a daring proposition: deliver the six souls of his former gang and he will escape damnation. With time running out, he sets out on a brutal rampage to avenge his own death.
Roel Reine has already proved to the world that he can deliver a great action film on a modest budget, and has become for me, one of the best modern action Directors around today. I always look forward to his upcoming projects, and see what he comes up with next? For his latest, Dead in Tombstone, he still manages to surprise me. Not only is the quality of this film made for the big screen, but also a nice departure for what Reine has delivered thus far. Dead In Tombstone is so much damn fun, that it will most definitely be apart of my top 5 for 2013. I loved every single minute of it, and it was one HELL of a fun Western ride, that NEEDS to seen!
The cast looks very typical for a Direct to DVD film, but the performances are nothing but grade “A”. Anthony Michael Hall, who I grew up with watching him in classic films like Vacation, Weird Science, and The Breakfast Club just disappears into a rare bad guy role that has to be one of best performances of his career. I loved this character, and his cold demeanor. He was just a blast to watch. Mickey Rourke was also surprising, with his performance playing the Dark Lord himself. He brought so much “cool” and bravado to the role which was amongst my favorite of the film. His presence and line delivery made a simple role more memorable. Danny Trejo! He already made a movie called “Bad Ass” but that describes his performances here. His character here has become another favorite of mine.
There is a ton of great action throughout the film, and you get plenty of awesome shootouts and some HUGE s’plosions! There is even an inventive scene where Trejo’s character throws a stick of dynamite in a lantern over a guys head, riding a horse. It explodes above him and sets him on fire! Booyah! That is awesome! You don’t see that kind of “coolness” in theatrical films. From the moment the film opens to a guns blazing escape from a hanging, and the introduction of our gang on “Wanted” posters, the film never lets up the fun, and pure entertainment.
Dead In Tombstone is essentially The Crow done Western style. A story of an outlaw who after being double crossed and murdered by his half brother, makes a pact with the Devil to come back and take revenge, and deliver their souls to him in exchange. It is a fun concept to the Western film, and has become the very best film from Reine to date. Even the way the film is shot is amazing and unique. Different angles from camera shots to the way the gorgeous countryside on set locations look on screen. Roel is a filmmaker that needs to be more recognized for being one of the very best in his field right now.
If you love Westerns, this is a film you must check out. I can’t for the life of me understand how you cannot have a good time with Dead In Tombstone…….unless you are dead inside already? Give the Devil his due, and feast your eyes on one of the best, and most action packed Westerns you will ever see.
The Hollywood Reporter: 'Dead in Tombstone' Soundtrack Sets Release Date

UK-based band Hybrid were "pushed to re-invent a western score" for the straight-to-video action feature, which stars Danny Trejo, Anthony Michael Hall and Mickey Rourke.

The soundtrack for Universal's straight-to-video action/horror feature Dead in Tombstone will be released by Back Lot Records Oct. 15, The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively. The film's soundtrack will feature new music from UK-based electronic group Hybrid, which consists of composers Michael Truman,Chris Healings andCharlotte James.
"Director Roel Reine wanted us to deliver a contemporary score for a traditional film with a unique twist," the group said in a statement. Since their debut album Wide Angle in 1999, the group has incorporated filmic elements to their sound, though they claim that meeting the western feel of Dead in Tombstone was a challenge, admitting that "From the outset, [the film] was perhaps a genre of film we hadn't been associated with before."
Dead in Tombstone, starring Danny Trejo,Anthony Michael Hall and Mickey Rourke, is now available digitally but will be released on Blu-ray and DVD October 22 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment.